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Welding and Welded Structures

The purpose of Welding and Welded Structures is to publish scientific and technical research papers, to bring attention to the importance of technology in the field of welding.

Our Vision

The journal of Welding and Welded Structures exists to impart knowledge on the latest work done.

Open Access

At Welding and Welded Structures we believe that knowledge is for everyone willing to seek and spread it.


Welding and Welded Structures is deeply committed in building a community of motivated researchers.

Editor In Chief

Dr. Weld Welding

Biography: Dr. Weld Welding is a Senior Researcher and expert in welding.

New Articles

Aktivni topitelj baziran na nano i mikronskim česticama TiO2 za A-TIG zavarivanje

Baloš Sebastiana, Dramićanin Miroslava, Janjatović Petara, Rajnovic Dragana, Kulundžić Nenada, Zabunov Ivanb, Šiđanin Leposavaa

Razvijanje analognog modela praćenja pomeranja zona zavarenog spoja tokom ispitivanja jednoosnim zatezanjem

Aranđelović Mihajlo, Jovičić Radomir, Đorđević Branislav, Milovanović Nikola, Sedmak Simon

Implementacija sistema upravljanja kvalitetom zavarivanja welding 4.0 prikazana na realnim primenama u proizvodnji i obrazovanju

Ivanov Boyan, Wiens Stanislav

Bones: Dem Bones Dem Bones Dem Dry Bones

P Hutchens*

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Our peer-review system, however thorough and strict, is a fast process that allows authors to see their work...


We are continuously taking efforts to make publishing easier and pocket-friendly for our contributors...


Our open source content policy ensure the articles and manuscripts create an enormous positive impact...

Welding and Welded Structures, a high quality peer-reviewed journal provides a robust path to explore novel research work worldwide freely and immediately available to everyone